Friday, April 30, 2004

Tonight I am going to Acquire the Fire - a huge youth event - it's pretty exciting...I am also going to be visiting mars hill church in Seattle. I am pretty excited to be able to experience an emerging church first hand, this is where I am moving to, it's where I am living.

ATF - the bastion of mintertainistry and marketing - and mars hill - a progressive anti-relitivistic, precluding nihlistic consumerism church - how opposite could that be?

I'm hoping the students see a big difference, and that will be open to a lot of discussion. I've just finished opening up their world to Brian McLaren, now I have to be ready for the paradigm shifting!

Friday, April 23, 2004

I am Permanent!

Today - in a surprising turn of events, I got my green card. It's really just a stamp in my passport, as my real card is supposed, hopefully, to come soon...we'll see

All in all -


Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I just added the ability to post comments on my blog and it was incredibly easy!

Next step is going to be figuring out how to post pictures in my posts and to make extra columns and then I will be a world famous blogger!

That is my son, lj, and me, having a little fun - this is my attempt to put a pic on my blog - if it works - I am rad!

ps - Having a great day - doing innerviews (not a sp?) with kids to take them on a mission to San Francisco this summer - I love the weeks as a youth pastor that I get to spend with students - I want to talk a bit about our neXus group las tonight - but that's another post!

Friday, April 16, 2004

Mt. St. Helens

Went and saw Mt. St. Helens yesterday - one of those places that you just have to sit back and say - "dang, God outdid Himself here." Heather took some pictures that I hope to be able to put up here, as soon as I figure out how to do that?!

It was remarkable, though, the amount of observing that you could do from inside buildings...they have centers set up all the way up to the mountain so you can observe elk, rivers, the mountain itself from climate controlled centers with big windows. And then you go and watch a movie showing the valley below, instead of just driving up to it...

because of my transition currently, I couldn't help but think of it as an example of the modern penchant towards cleaning things up and making it sanitary and safe to experience.

Heather and I want to go back - but not go to any centers, we want to walk the floor and feel the mountain's presence. Just our conversations about that, betray our transitioning mindsets - or the realization of our transition.

Do go though - if you are near - it's a remarkable journey.