I have just finished reading Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell for the second time. The first time I devoured it in one night, but now I have grinded through it a little more so that it makes more sense.
I have bought 4 more copies and given them away. I can see McLaren's influence and clearly appreciate Bell's presentation of the Redemptive Movement Hermeneutic in a variety of context. There are moments and words that everyone should struggle with - which makes this book valuable for your oreintation.
Here's some quotes and questions:
p.21 "Jesus exposes us to reality at its rawest."
Can you be a follower of Jesus and not be real? Is fake the root of all sin?
p.28 "...brickianity..."
Are you on a journey or are you building a fortress?
p.33 quoting Sean Penn, "The mystery is the truth."
p.83 "Jesus is the arrangement. Jesus is the design. Jesus is the intelligence. For a Christian, Jesus' teachings aren't to be followed because they are a nice way to live a moral life. They are to be followed because they are the best possible insight into how the world really works. They teach us how things are."
How does Jesus' life on earth interact with the effect of sin on humanity?
p.85 "That is why it is impossible for a Christian to have a secular job. If you follow Jesus and you are doing what you do in his name, then it is no longer secular work; it's sacred. You are there; God is there. The difference is our awareness."
Are you moving slow enough to be aware? What are you missing in your speed? Are you addicted to speed and shallow? What are you scared of?
p.120 "I say the system has to be changed. It has to be destoryed and replaced not with another system but with an entirely new way of life."
p.165 "I am learning that the church is at its best when it gives itself away."
p.169 "The call of Jesus goes in the other direction. It's about making our live more difficult. It is going out of our way to be more generous and disciplined and loving and free. It is refusing to escape and become numb to and check out of this broken, fractured world."
Are you blessed?
You've got to read this book. Move.