James Dobson has gone ahead and labled SpongeBob as not only having an oddly square private region (which he did not say directly, but is rather true), but SB is a pro-homosexual advocate!

Man, those Dobson's just ain't going to be friends with me.
So, Dobson has called out SB's participation in a video which he says is going to promote homosexaulity. I know whenever I see a sponge wearing pants it makes me gay as a $3 bill. What a swearword joke. What's next? Dora is into beastiality!! Look at her relationship with that monkey wearing boots!!
This is why the general public hates Christians. We allow this guy to be the leader and he does stupid stuff like this. It is no surprise that the term "Christian" may be beyond recovery, as is suggested by McLaren.
So click on the title link and go down and watch the video...it's an absolute joke...Dobson picks out SB from all of the characters that have children's shows...simply b/c SB is easiest to pick on b/c he is known to adults.
It appears Dobson's real concern is in being known by adults, not saving the children from the evil homosexual spnge.
So what was it all about I mean I heard something about it on the news (but not the full story) but I can't download the video because our internet connection is, well not the greatest but not the worst either.
Actually the world hates Christians because they hated Jesus first. There is nothing we can do to change that. Let's not blame it on poor ol' Dobson. Poor SB, its not his fault, but the world is pushing acceptance of all moral points of view in the guise of tolerance. Dobson may be paranoid about this little spark, but that doesn't mean Rome isn't burning.
You know allie does have a point, what are we going to do? Conform to the world because it hates us and we want them to stop?
I'm not saying the opinion about SB is right I'm just saying that even without this they'll never stop hating us.
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