Mad Props to
TSK for the link to a free download of the book,
Mission Shaped Church. You can click on the title and go get the download for yourself. It's from the Church of England, so it's in a decidedly U.K. context, but it has some very important principles and helps for futuring here in the USAmericas. Mainly because I see Europe, U.K., Canada as a little further ahead in the emerging postmodern shift.
The book is timely for me as we (SACC's leadership) are considering what it would look like to plant a new congregation (more than a new service, less than a church plant) that is missional and moves, thinks, connects, teaches in ways that are relevant to people who are living life in the new postmodern world.
So I finished the book this morning and wanted to put some killer quotes up:
"the existing parochial system alone is no longer able to fully deliver its underlying mission purpose. We need to recognize that a variety of intergrated missionary approaches is required." (xi)
"The core value of socitey has moved from 'progress' to 'choice'" (9)
"forms of Christian community that are homes of generous hospitality, places of challenging reconcilliation and centres of attentiveness to the living God." (13; quoted from
Transmission Magazine article by Brother Samuel SSF
"Frequent causes of [church plant] failure included poor planning, leadership issues, inward-looking focus, cultural blindness, part-time leadership and lack of resources." (22)
"Ecclesiology is a subsection of the doctrine of mission." (24; quoted from George Carey in a 1989 presentation)
"Today's young people are of a different culture, not simply a different age." (79)
"It is not the Church of God that has a mission in the world, but the God of mission who has a Church in the world." (85; quoting Tim Dearborn in
Beyond Duty)