But, this book did help me through Annual Conference, so it isn't the most boring part of this past week...
Here's some quotes and such:
p.4 "rejuvenile describes people who cultivate tastes and mind-sets traditionally associated with those younger than themselves."
p.51 "Some people like golf; I like tag."
p.58, there is a discussion that leads up to, and disappointingly avoids, the interaction of play and spirituality.
p.61"[Huizinga] proposed that the name 'Homo Sapiens' (Man of Reason) be replaced with 'Homo Laudens" (Man the Player), because 'we are not so reasonable after all' "
my idea: lose the Homo part too...
p.63, discussion on Pat Kane, "militant postmodernist", creator of the Play Ethic; "Kane argues that the Protestant work ethic is a relic of the Industrial Age, that we'd all be better off if we reduced the number of hours we work...and used our free time and new technologies to engage in creative, fulfilling play."
p.75, quoting a dedicated, adult, dodge-ball player;
"Once you get hit in the face, you're fine."
p.139, quoting a Disney fan; "...my fantasty life keeps me sane in my real life."
p.140/1, interesting notes on completeness and satisfaction, especially considering Matthew 5:48, understanding that perfect=completely whole...
p.246 "When you boil it down, i think we rejuveniles are attempting to hang on to the part of ourselves that feels most genuinely human."
This book is a good discussion starter, especially for young leaders and young pastors who don't want to suck. I'd say, read the book and then spend some time trying to figure out how the gospel of Jesus can be good news to the rejuveniles...because it is, and they aren't going away...no matter how long we have to stay in Neverland...