Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Surrat, Ligon, Bird, The Multi-site Church Revolution

I'm not so sure that'd I'd call it a revolution. The idea in this book is to help churches consider, assess and develop a church that can operate as a multi-site operation. this model makes the most out of developed leadership and creates many new avenues for young leadership to develop. Of course, the book is evangelical in its use of statistices (inflated and skewed), but the material is real and raw which makes the experiences of others help to encourage the concept of multi-site.

This book was put in all our staff's hands by our senior - we are starting a new congregation the week after easter and doing a multi-site for oru easter sunday services. Building a new and bigger building doesn't seem to be the way that God is blessing us, so we are trying to see if this is a direction God can lead us.

I'm not going to put a bunch of quotes, instead you can check out the book's blog and get all the info you want!

1 comment:

Nick said...

I'd be interested in getting into a little dialogue about this idea. It seems right now that this is more trendy than practical. has seen lots of success and so has North Point but is it really for other churches?

So...what lead your congregation to this multi-site idea?
