Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Searches that land here

Words that people end up here from, with frequency.

1. watch 9
2. me 9
3. reorient 9
4. tim 4
5. albany 4
6. j. 4
7. pope 4
8. oregon 4
9. focus 3
10. fallen 3
11. keel 3
12. condition 3
13. blog 2
14. Carmichael 1
15. Keel 1
16. James 1
17. re-orient


Aaron said...

how do you find this stuff out?

James said...

a couple ways - first through my webcounters which are listed in the right hand column. secondly, my google account actually lets me know when my site even shows up for different searches - regardless of if they click it or not.

Andrew said...

So have you checked out these other blogs?