Saturday, February 23, 2008

Simply Bizarre

This is simply bizarre. A church in Tampa, which calls itself Relevant Church (what, was Cool Church already taken?) has decided to put this challenge out to its members!

Here's my questions:
>> What about people who have past trauma involving sex, like rape or abuse? Is this going to minister to them?
>> What does this look like for the senior's ministry? Or the youth ministry?
>> Would you actually go to this church? How awkward would that be!

To me, this is clearly an attempt to spike web traffic. It's the same tricks youth ministry used 15 years ago, and now those youth ministers are "senior" pastors. It's classic bait and switch.


To quote Brent (Corner Gas): "There's a new low."


Andrew said...

I dont really understand. It does kind of seem like its been done. The abstinance part anyway. But isnt making a center of study in a church strictly about sex wrong? What was all the stuff about singles abstaining from sex for 30 days? if your single you should be abstaining from it anyway! lol. Did paul say anything about this in the New Testament?

Chelsea said...

That's gotta be awkward for all the kids who still live with their parents...

Aaron said...

I think this is somewhat of a good from the church...ill explain in a bit,

but for the questions james asks...
people with past trauma it could be something that brrings up pain, but maybe it can how again how that those acts were not something that they wanted and maybe they can see that what has happened was not from their willfulness but more put on them....but it is a good questoin...

another thing is does everything that we talk about in church relate to everyone??

I know at our church here in redding we just got over a 6 week thing and who knows i could see it not reaching a lot of ppl, or they got something out of it but arent doing anything now after the sermon is over...

lastly i remember wathcing an Oprah episode (with the gf) and they did something similar with a couple and they said it changed everything about their lives, being able to give each other the time of day, to not just come home and eat sleep and go to bed without saying anythign to each other because their to tired....

yes it would be majorly awkward, but isnt awkward what we need sometimes...

get out of the box of things...

also, God should be the center of our sex lives if were christians because it is a connection showing Gods love, he is there with us(as wierd is that may seem) God made us, for us to do it...why would it not please him if were doing this most holy of an act with him in our lives...thats my rant

Andrew said...

Wow. Aaron is like a bible scholar now. Way to go Aaron!

James said...

This may be an even better question:

What if the pastor was female? Would any females be so brazen as this?
And - if this pastor is some kind of sexual super hero (i feel dirty just saying that), would we feel the same way about a female pastor doing this?

And - what does this pastor's wife say about this?

Aaron said...

well i think that ya a female could do this, especially in the society today where it is a lot more equal...but im guessin it wasnt the pastors idea all on his own either...but if you ask about the female pastor then ask why dont we try this in the youth ministries...cuase prolly just as much stuff is going down there than with the "main" church....right?

what would the pastors wife have to say??? i guess there gonna do the dirty more often now? what else is there for her to say...she prolly talked to him about it in the first place...

i just want to know what happens afterwards, or i guess during, and also what the singles thought... i guess it would just be a lot different if i was in that chrch as well..