Here's what she had to say:
"I was entering the world of the self-loathing, branded adolescent."
"US teens spent $155 billion in 'discretionary income' in 2000 alone..."
"The success of free software movements, including Linux and music sharing sites such as Napster, reveals a subversive, communal impulse, as do various Do It Yourself scenes in which teens attempt to make their ovwn cheap or free entertainments to entertain one another."
"...these names [brands] now define teen identities."
"...those under twenty-five are now the fastest-growing group filing for bankruptcy."
"Fantasy Credit Cards...mock passports from the country of the branded."
"Raised i nthe era of confessional literature [james: just look at most myjournals or xangas], having seen how secrets can be traded for celebrity, teenagers are selling their own experiences before they know they have a story that should be protected as their own or a self that has yet cohered."
"The thousandes of kids...feel on some level that the world has always thought of them as a demographic for Pokeman or Nike on one hand, and as hooligans who need to be made to walk in straight lines on the other."
-Alissa Quart

1 comment:
Actually, this looks and sounds like something i might like to read...but if she uses hard-to-understand concepts...ERM prolly not the best for me.
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