Tuesday, April 18, 2006

We've gone too far...

We should, in the America that is marketed Christianity, take notice when the Christianity we are marketed may have gone too far. This, I believe, is too far.

But it is so dang* funny!!

(*that dang was especially for Cassie...)


Anonymous said...

That's definately messed up.....but also incredibly hilarious....especially when reading the words...

Anonymous said...

That's exactly what we need...jeans with a Christian message that draw attention to your butt...


Anonymous said...

That's exactly what we need...jeans with a Christian message that draw attention to your butt...or are we all just very wrong when we say Jesus is in our heart???


Mike said...

You are aware, I hope, that this 'ad' appears to be from a satirical website, and not an actual product.

Bri said...

If you look at the fine print it says that they have ones that says other things one of them says "Jesus, Buddha, Only Better."