Monday, May 15, 2006

I'm in...

Ok - so I know that I will have to do pennance for my past sins - more to Sarah Uhden than to Jesus. But I have long been an opponent to the hype that is Pirates of the And yes I know that's not spelt rite - in the future spelling will be an art not a science.

Anyways - I have decided that I will become a Pirates of the Caribean fan. I won't dress up or anything silly like that, but I will pay my 9 bucks to go see the movie. And pay for my wife also, I'm good that way. Anywyas - I've always loved J.Depp and now I will be a part of his massive clan of followers.

And know the answer to the question you are asking your computer screen...why? What has swayed you? Here's the answer in the form of a quotation of dialogue from the upcoming sequel:

elizabeth: there will come a moment when you have a chance to do the right thing.

cap’n jack sparrow: i love those moments.


cap’n jack:
i like to wave at them as they pass by.

This post has been edited...


Anonymous said...

good call. that's awesome.
you're pretty easily swayed. haha. i'm sure sarah uhden will wet her pants in excitement. she LOVES the pirates of, movies.
if you dress up for any kind of movie, party, game, etc. i just might make fun of you for the rest of your life. (i say this as if i won't anyways. haha) just don't. you're not the pirate're a hip-hop-er. YO!

James said...

was that lacy?

James said...

my bad - i was not insinuating you Cassie - you are definitely not a moron.

Chelsea said...

Ahhahahahahahaha! Holy smokes I'm cracking up. You think I'm getting out for my twin.

Anonymous said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! You saw the *new* trailer!!! ISN'T IT FRICKIN' AWESOME!!!! Seriously, I watched it three times in a row the first time I found it. And I want you to note that I haven't been taking to everyone I know about this. HAH! I can keep my mouth shut. Until I saw my name in your blog, and then you got my attention, and then I saw "Pirates of the CARIBBEAN," and you *really* had my attention, and it comes out in less than two months, and I'm totally going at midnight if they have a midnight showing the day it comes out, and I'm so very, very excited! HAH!

PS - no penance necessary. I will be the father to your prodigal of the Caribbean. ;)

-S. Uhden the screaming fangirl

T said...

James.... you have dressed up as a pirate...

James said...

I've never been a pirate!

That was Braveheart!!

Anonymous said...

how did you know that was me? crazy


Anonymous said...

We knew it was you Lacy because to put it simply: you have a very unique speaking pattern.

Anonymous said...

James, you totally dressed up as a pirate. Along with Dion.


Anonymous said...
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James said...

i have no recolection of that event. really.

Anonymous said...

It was on my birthday. I laughed so frickin' hard that I fell down. You should ask Heather to remind you. I'm sure she remembers. ;)
