Friday, June 16, 2006

Pat Freaking Robertson is a saint

...these people are devilish. You've got to love the little question by Hannity at the end of this...I won't give it away, just watch.

baptist hate group on hannity and colmes


ht: Driscoll


Chelsea said...

You've gotta be kidding me...

That's amazing. And the last question was funny

Anonymous said...

That is just sick.


Anonymous said...

More of her at the SBC convention on this link
Videos are in the middle of the page and are relatively long.

Jesus loves her just as much as she loves me. Seeing these things make me angry, but I need to step back and remember that I have these same feelings (hateful judgementalism) toward meth addicts, JW's, transvestites, Cowboy fans, etc. I need to repent of this.

T said...

WOW, that was intense. But the last question was funny... more her response to the question.
and both those guys are Christians? Cool. And.. that kinda makes me angry- but i can't do anything about it, so...
but WOW