Friday, October 01, 2004

What is the Bible's gender?

I really do like this question - I think I'd go for interchanging he and she at random... not allow anyone to pin down a specific gender on the word. I am sure that gendering the Bible like this will make some people uneasy, especially (sadly) if given the female persuasion...

I was inspired by this question on Doug Pagitt's blog, check the title link.

I also like the "they" concept, as the Bible's own nature is an argument for community. Written by so many, inspired by a triune God - a story of people, not just a person - even if Christ is central...he is there for everyone else..

What do you think?


T said...

Interesting question to say the least...but honestly- I don't think the church would be ready for's a little abstract thinking but not. I get what Pagitt is saying...but is he suggesting that we put the bible on the same level as the Holy Spirit? The Word is God breathed...but I guess I don't understand why it has to have a pronoun attached to it. And although the bible is sometimes more than just a book or an inatiment object, but a counselor and a friend...isn't that God speaking through the Bible to us?

James said...

These are really great thoughts - I like the way you don't equate the Bible with God (Bible=God?)...

Pagitt's goal in genderizing the Bible is to help people to view it as a par tof their community. Like another member. In that sense, maybe there is another way to help people constantly see the Bible as a member of the communtiy?

Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...

I don't get the whole "member of the community" thing. I guess if God wanted the Bible to have a gender, it would be referred to as such in the Bible. Eh? Giving inanimate objects gender, like boats or storms, doesn't do anything for acceptance. It's usually a romantic notion thought up by men to convey a certain importance to things. Positive or negative. What is with this "member of the community"? Does that mean equal to all other opinions as in merely a memeber of the community? I did go to the website. I didn't get it. I feeling dense. Sorry.
Allie B