A conversation of a localized experience of the western postmodern influence on a modernized Christianity.
A recording, inspiration, living of the reorientation that is surrounding me
- J@mes!
It's too bad to see our faith presented to the masses in that way. Do you know if it's a doctored photo? I hope so, but Im sure some sign like that has existed at some time. Going to church has little, if anything, to do with going to hell.
I made the sign at churchsigngenerator.com where you can make your own sign. It was a funny idea of mine and my dad's - we used to run a company called drive by advice. We drove around giving people advice - we didn't amek much money but it was a rewarding career.
Also - I think going to church has a lot to do with eternal destiny. Can you be a Christian and not go to church...generally...no stinking way.
james is right. How do you get a stronger relationship with God unless you are in a setting that you are challenged to grow and are learning new things about God.
As for them seeing us represented this way. Why be ashamed of the truth. Was Jesus ever great with the world as a whole? No, they hated and killed him. Christianity isn't warm and fuzzy but yes I admit that you have to be careful so as not to completely turn off one to the gospel but you also can't just beat around the bush.
yeah thats sum intense stf there. it dus depict us in a rather hardcore way, as if that is it and nothing is good enough. but going 2 church everyweek isnt gona get u anywhere. 2 commit ur life properly and then grow with God is what we should be doing whether thats thro church, cell groups.
Very Blunt, Not Politically, correct Not very *polite*
I love it. Our Church should do that sometime!
It's too bad to see our faith presented to the masses in that way. Do you know if it's a doctored photo? I hope so, but Im sure some sign like that has existed at some time. Going to church has little, if anything, to do with going to hell.
I made the sign at churchsigngenerator.com where you can make your own sign. It was a funny idea of mine and my dad's - we used to run a company called drive by advice. We drove around giving people advice - we didn't amek much money but it was a rewarding career.
Also - I think going to church has a lot to do with eternal destiny. Can you be a Christian and not go to church...generally...no stinking way.
james is right. How do you get a stronger relationship with God unless you are in a setting that you are challenged to grow and are learning new things about God.
As for them seeing us represented this way. Why be ashamed of the truth. Was Jesus ever great with the world as a whole? No, they hated and killed him. Christianity isn't warm and fuzzy but yes I admit that you have to be careful so as not to completely turn off one to the gospel but you also can't just beat around the bush.
yeah thats sum intense stf there. it dus depict us in a rather hardcore way, as if that is it and nothing is good enough. but going 2 church everyweek isnt gona get u anywhere. 2 commit ur life properly and then grow with God is what we should be doing whether thats thro church, cell groups.
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