Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sweet 4

Why do you think the business world plugged into the power of evangelism just as the church seems to have lost the vision?

I think, at it’s heart, the Christian message of the good news of hope, is a revolutionary, inspiring and joyous message. In some places and in some people that motivates them to evangelize in a way that is not a sales pitch or manipulative argument. I think that many people (including many who take up pew space on the weekend) find their revolution, inspiration and joy in their work/company/career because the Christianity that they have been presented with is none-of-the-above. Why wouldn’t the concepts of evangelism move with the passions of the masses?

Sweet 3

Is nothing sacred?

Really…ok...nope – but everything is sacred. The question comes by looking at the Nike symbol as half of the fish symbol, which I figure is pretty fine with me. I think we haven’t even taken good care of our symbols. The fish was a subversive symbol when it began and now we slap it on anything that doesn’t move – and cars, trucks and planes! This is a major difference between Starbucks and the USAmerican churches – one thinks and acts with some semblance of brand management and the other does not. If we want some things to be more sacred (like marriage, the family, symbols, etc.) then we’ve got to stop giving them away to any organization or movement who asks for them.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sweet 2

this might be a little too much, too many questions that i can''t hardley read anything...and its taking a long time writing this with my Q.
2. think about the historical figure you met for coffee. what did you talk about?

I would probably ask Yaconelli how he learned grace. i know about his stories from speaking gigs and such...but how did it play out in day-to-day life. and than i would ask him about Ys' role in the emergent conventions and what they were hoping for there...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


In 1980 my brother was born. I think he was born in Deep River. But maybe that was my sister. This is all very blurry. Once again, this "30" series will likely end better than it is beginning.

Sweet 1

I am reading The Gospel According to Starbucks and it has questions throughout it called, "Brewed for Thought" and I am going to make it a habit to stop reading the book and blog my answers to the questions. This will be frustrating, but I think it will make the whole book better for me.

I am trying not to be hyper-manic in my reading habits and I think this will slow me down and bit which is really good for me.

1. If you could get together with just one person from history fro coffee
and conversation (other than Jesus) whom would that person be? Why that

I have some obvious answers to this question, but I am hesitant to meet some people because I am afraid that I will be disappointed (Guevara, Alex the Great, Apostle Thomas/Peter, C.S. Lewis). Like I am afraid that my image of them is actually a lot better than who they really were. So, if there was only one non-Jesus person, I'd have to choose Mike Yaconelli, because I know exactly what I would get when meeting with him and I would really love that.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


In 1979 I was two. It was another year of the same although I think we moved to Toronto this year. My dad was in the recording industry (as an electrician for a factory that made records) and i did the basic things that two year olds do. My parents definitely hit their "dress your kids 70's style" kick and it was pretty rad. The pictures from 79 pretty much rule.

1979 was the UN international year of the child, and I was one, so that was pretty awesome. i really appreciated all the things the UN did for me that year. Stuff like...um....ohhh....BEATS ME!! Gay rights really took off this year. So didChina, hitting the 1 billion mark in population. There was also a lot of global terrorism. Tons of little squirmishes. LT21 was born and Mother Teresa was given the Nobel Peace Prize.

Good Stuff 1979!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007


In 1978 I turned one. I probably moved and I probably did a lot of the same stuff as when I was zero in 1977. It was a good year.

Roman Polankshi left, Ted Bundy was arrested and Charlie Chaplin's remains were stolen. Pete Rose got his 3000th hit and the world cup was hosted in Argentina. Interestingly Pope John Paul I was pope for 33 days this year.

Friday, May 18, 2007


I was born in 1977, just a few months before Elvis died. In 1977 the death penalty was reintroduced in the US, the draft dodgers from the Vietnam war were pardoned, the Toccoa Falls dam burst and Pele retired. Three's Company premiered and the Toronto Blue Jays began to play baseball and Star Wars come out.

I was born up in northern Ontario, moved around a few times, ate and filled diapers. It was a good year.

note: these 30 years in 30 days posts will get better as my memories come back. i don't really have any memories before 1980, though.

30 days to 30

As a bit of a reflective exercise I am going to post 30 posts on the 30 days leading up to birthday number 30. It won't be every day because I am leading a retreat in the middle of this, but I will do all the years - 1977-2007! It might be 31 days or something because all that is very confusing and not the point at all. So - happy reading about my life!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Kimball, They like Jesus byt not the Church

Now I know what you are thinking, and, no, this is not a book about pastors. It is actually a book about Kimball's findings from people who are outside of the church and how they feel about Jesus and how they feel about the church.

Kimball is really on the ball and this should encourage pastors to get out and be about the people and among them. Forming relationships through patterns and building trust in people's lives. I really enjoyed this book, there wasn't any awe-inspiring quotes as I think this book was written more for people who probably have never thought of these things.

In his last bbok, emerging worship, Kimball earnestly suggested that pastor's know their communities before launching emerging church initiatives, which we took to heart in preparation fro Kainos. We interviewed, built relationships and researched demographics. That is what makes Kainos exciting and not manufactured, rather discerned through a divine calling.

Anyways - good book, easy read and lots of helpful information in it.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Coupland, All Families are Psychotic

This book is yet another Coupland that made me laugh and feel good about myself. It's about a family that is absolutely nutso meeting for a reunion to celebrate the first trip into space by the families' one productive member. As I like to say, Hilarity ensues. In 2009, the book is being made into a movie. I am going to it.

If you're feeling awkward about your own family (hello!) then read this book and you will feel better about it all.

I also got this book at my locoal library, one of the few social programs that lives on.

McLaren, The Secret Message of Jesus

I finished this book up after picking it up for less that 5 bucks at a christian booksstore. It is supposed to have been uncovering the truth that could change everything.

Most of this book I kinda had already thought of/read of before. I understand that for many people this would be introductory and brand new and all, but I'm finding as time progresses I am less interested in reading about radical emerging stuff and more interested in doing it and being it. Maybe that's waht Kainos is doing to me - and I'm glad for it. i don't doubt that this book is great and all, it just wasn't me at this time.

However, as always, McLaren manages to sometimes put words to my thoughts and here's some things that stuck out to me and made me glad to be a follower of Jesus.

p.47, "What happens then to those who say, 'I don't have time for childish stories about seeds and yeast and sheep. I'm an important person. I have advanced degrees! I'm very knowledgeable!' Simply put, the parable excludes them. In fact, the parable exposes them."

p.53 "It was a complex, organic community with both limits and freedom, accountability and responsibility."

Chapter 10: Secret Agents of the Secret Kingdom - my favorite chapter because it speaks of empowering all Christians as change agents of the kingdom.

p.91 "The kingdom of God is at hand. That was Jesus' message. Don't you think we should let Jesus tell us what the gospel is?"